Saturday, August 29, 2020

29 Aug 2020 Focused Resolve

We're trying to be intentional for the last few months of our mission.   With focused resolve, we're doing the things "of most worth".  Blogging is not at the top of that list, although our communication with family and friends is cherished!   Please note, there are 2 posts in August ... Barely! says New Zealand is comprised of 70% European Descent, 16.5% Maori, 15% Asian, 8% Pacific Islanders.   (*Those #'s don't add up!) But what is interesting is to look at pictures of our missionaries.   The #'s are reversed.   The largest percentage of missionaries and many members of the church and many converts are Pacific islanders.  

We went on a day hike to the Arapuni Suspension Bridge where there was a dam with a power plant.  It was one of the few that had been camouflaged with vines and flora to hide it during the war.  Smoke generators also operated to further protect the operation.   It was never damaged and remains operational today.

After interviewing missionaries in Rotorua we managed to escape with President and Sister Erekson on a hike through the Redwood Forest and to the Top of an overlook of Rotorua.  It is a beautiful landscape with lakes, mountains, thermal pools and steam vents and a Maori village below. 

Elder Despain has been fighting a "frozen shoulder" over the past several months and seeing a Physical Therapist who suggested that a golf swing could help rehab it, and gave him some clubs to do it.  That was a great excuse to get out and do something he loves.  

On the drive to the beach we passed by this fence full of old bicycles .... and yes, the landscape is like that everywhere! ... Lush amazing green rolling hills.

We went with Senior Sisters to Kawhia Beach where at low tide Elder Despain dug down til he found the heat and natural hot water pools.  Though many people immerse their entire body in the joy of the hot water, we did a pedicure soak which was delightful.  Some locals came by and showed us how to find the natural pumice stones that were washed ashore and Nik collected several that are just part of the landscape.   We walked miles of this gorgeous beach which is worth returning to!

These cute sisters modeled the masks we made for 150 missionaries!  Thank goodness for good help and volunteers who saved me in what seemed like a great idea!    Hopefully they won't need them regularly.  We're pretty fortunate in NZ, but a second wave of Covid gave us another look into what the rest of the world is facing and we're so grateful to still be able to teach and continue missionary work.

We've had more doctor appointments and medical calls again.   I recognize that english is a second language for many of our missionaries and when they describe a problem that sounds simple, and then I ask for a picture, or insist on looking, it's not a simple as it sounded!   Inspiration comes in many ways, and we can see the hand of the Lord working in technology, in health, and in becoming Master Teachers.   They are an inspiration to us and we're grateful to be among them!   We're working on the next transfers this upcoming week --- Change is part of the ongoing routine that keeps us always thinking ahead.   

Each day we begin with a focus and prayer of gratitude... The time lapse photography and 10 min thought here is stunning:

He has a vision and purpose.  Each of us does too. Open your eyes, and it will be a good day!

 If you were to ask today What did I learn on my mission?   

1.  I learned that you aren’t really that interested in what I have to say, but in how well I hear and listen to you.

2.  We all have different things to learn.   Why are some people so naturally blessed with a joyful outlook, and others have to work at it? 

3.  Our struggles are unique to our individual path.  The Lord knows my needs.  He knows your needs.  We are all headed in the same direction, we just get there by a different path.  Really we’ll meet at the end and instead of forcing people onto our path, lets dance through our winding road full of potholes and know we’ll be together at the end of our path.   I finally see how different trails can lead the same endpoint.  And more important, why those trails are necessary to be different for each of us.   

So use your time wisely.  These thoughts on time may interest you as they did me:

We love you, and more importantly, God loves you!   May you feel his peace.

❤❤The Despains

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