Saturday, December 26, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

We are grateful to be home.  We loved serving as missionaries and left a piece of our heart in New Zealand.  Kiwis are kind and passionate about life.  They're independent and confident.   The land of the long white cloud has attracted islanders all over the Pacific.   This melting pot of islanders is the majority of our Native NZ missionaries who are valiant and diligent since they returned to their homeland due to Covid19 guidelines.   We love them and their music and dance and testimonies.

We enjoy our walks on the beaches, finding Maori art and carvings, and the calm unhurried life that let us ponder and focus on things of most worth.  Elder Despain adopted the motto "Slow yourself down"  And our mission president reminded missionaries that only applied to Elder Despain and NOT to them!

One p-day we returned to Coromandel and Cathedral Cove with a group of missionaries before we left.   Their passion for life is evident and others are attracted to them.  They were blessed with baptisms and teaching opportunities with many truth seekers.

We love the flora of NZ.  Even the weeds are beautiful.   Petals covered the ground wherever we went.   Walking through flower petals was never taken for granted!   I loved the luxury.


After we completed our mission, we spent a week on South Island to see the beauty there.  We feel fortunate to see the majesty and beauty of Milford Sound, Pancake Rocks, Hokitika Gorge, Mount Cook and Queenstown.   

Mostly, we enjoyed being with each other and reflecting on the past 18 months, returning to family and friends, and preparing for the next step of our earthly journey.   Thank you for your prayers and support.  Thank you for your friendship.

We praise God and thank him for his wondrous love.  We thank him for the blessing of healing with our sweet one year old grandson and the progress he is making, though likely remaining on antibiotics for the next several months.   We're thankful for the increased spiritual insight and direction we've received in our lives.   We're so  eternally grateful for each and every missionary who continues to serve with their heart mind and strength to face daily challenges, and reap rewards.   We love their enthusiasm, their passion, their laughter and their love.

Ofa Atu.  Kia Kaha.

💙💓 The Despains

Monday, November 2, 2020

You Can Believe in Christ

You Can Believe in Christ   song by Jeff Goodrich

Searching through the shadows of your mind
As you struggle to retain whats left behind
Of the smiles and the laughter
Though the miles and years after all are gone.
Still you'd like to have them back again
For a chance to be with family and friends
And you wish your dear ones could be near ones
Without fear forever on and on.
You can believe in Christ
You can receive the Christ.
Walk in the joy of Christ and glory in his light.
You can embrace his word;
Until you face The Word.
Come and believe, come and receive Jesus Christ.
Striving just to glimpse eternity;
You wonder where tomorrow you will be
Who will have the power, in that hour
Will you now or never understand.
You can find the answer deep within yourself
Leave man's philosophy upon the shelf.
And the light within you will continue
Leading you to know the Master's hand.

The Island people have a natural gift of song and movement.  It flows from them naturally.   This song touched me as the vocalist strummed his guitar and sang with heartfelt words that pierced my soul.

We have one month left on our mission, and while we are so anxious to be with those we love again, we'll leave a small piece of our heart in New Zealand.
The beauty, love, grace and peace of Aotearoa abound in the mountains, on the rolling green hills and on the beaches and oceans.  

New Zealand
Kiwis, Tuis, Kingfisher, Pukeko,
Glow worms, Abandoned mining tunnels,
 Volcanic steam vents, Sheep grazing the hills,
Hobbiton, Lord of the Rings, Rugby, All Blacks,
Fish n chips, Seafood chowder, Real fruit ice cream, Fruit trees
Cherry blossoms, Magnolias, Christmas Tree, Kowhai, Hydrangea,
Flora, Flowers, Silver Fern, Bird of Paradise, Rhododendrons as tall as a house, 
Thunderstorms, Umbrellas and Gumboots, Sunshine and Rainbows, 
Surfing, Hot water beaches, Seashells, Cathedral Cove,
Waterfalls and Rivers, Stairs, Summits and Lookouts,
Sculptures, Marae, Flax weaving, Greenstone  
Singing, Dancing, Sandals and Bare feet, 
Feeds, Mates, Heaps of Love, 
Ofa Atu

This past week our grandson had metopic craniosynostosis surgery.   Friends and family joined us in prayer during a surgery that is hard to watch a 10 month old heal from.  We know the miracle of medicine, yet needed our faith strengthened and knowing the power of prayer in numbers was sustaining.  Having prayer circles, and prayer warriors, and private fasting and prayer was meaningful and humbling.

These three women are women of amazing strength and virtue.  They have shown me the resilience and honor of living a life of purity with intensity while gaining added knowledge and wisdom during our absence.  They are teachers and nurturers and demonstrate all that is good and beautiful in life.  I'm so grateful for the things they are teaching my grandchildren and the love and support they show each other.  

Elder Despain has worked tediously to keep the mission organized and divert surprises.  Sister Despain has treated ingrown toenails, sprained ankles, Infected teeth, upset stomachs, headaches, weight gain and sleep deprived young adults.  Yet, we have have also witnessed the love of a Heavenly Father who gives us the opportunity to be an instrument in his hands as he literally restores sight to the blind and lifts the heavy burdens of these young people seeking those who will open their hearts and minds to truth.

Some of these missionaries shared their talents at a "Culture Night" where many island dances were performed. We were made aware of the closeness in island languages in a simple hello:   
Aloha, Aroha, Talofa, 'Ia Orana, Kia Ora, La ola, Aro'a     
Watch some of culture night here:

We too have worked over the last month to Let God Prevail and see his hand in our lives.   We have sought to better understand what it means to be of the House of Israel and be counted as Gods people.   Missionaries invite others to join them in their love of God.

Great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the isles of the sea; wherefore as it says isles, there must needs be more than this.  
                                                                                                    2 Nephi 10:21–22 


💜💕💖With love,
    The Despains

Sunday, September 27, 2020

September is Spring Here!

WOW, what a fall and winter!

The fall was a full Covid Lockdown. (And a reminder to not "Lick Strange Objects")

Lockdown ended as we moved into Winter! (We did have a brief move back into a partial lockdown (level 2) for a month...)

Another Lockdown!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

29 Aug 2020 Focused Resolve

We're trying to be intentional for the last few months of our mission.   With focused resolve, we're doing the things "of most worth".  Blogging is not at the top of that list, although our communication with family and friends is cherished!   Please note, there are 2 posts in August ... Barely! says New Zealand is comprised of 70% European Descent, 16.5% Maori, 15% Asian, 8% Pacific Islanders.   (*Those #'s don't add up!) But what is interesting is to look at pictures of our missionaries.   The #'s are reversed.   The largest percentage of missionaries and many members of the church and many converts are Pacific islanders.  

We went on a day hike to the Arapuni Suspension Bridge where there was a dam with a power plant.  It was one of the few that had been camouflaged with vines and flora to hide it during the war.  Smoke generators also operated to further protect the operation.   It was never damaged and remains operational today.

After interviewing missionaries in Rotorua we managed to escape with President and Sister Erekson on a hike through the Redwood Forest and to the Top of an overlook of Rotorua.  It is a beautiful landscape with lakes, mountains, thermal pools and steam vents and a Maori village below. 

Elder Despain has been fighting a "frozen shoulder" over the past several months and seeing a Physical Therapist who suggested that a golf swing could help rehab it, and gave him some clubs to do it.  That was a great excuse to get out and do something he loves.  

On the drive to the beach we passed by this fence full of old bicycles .... and yes, the landscape is like that everywhere! ... Lush amazing green rolling hills.

We went with Senior Sisters to Kawhia Beach where at low tide Elder Despain dug down til he found the heat and natural hot water pools.  Though many people immerse their entire body in the joy of the hot water, we did a pedicure soak which was delightful.  Some locals came by and showed us how to find the natural pumice stones that were washed ashore and Nik collected several that are just part of the landscape.   We walked miles of this gorgeous beach which is worth returning to!

These cute sisters modeled the masks we made for 150 missionaries!  Thank goodness for good help and volunteers who saved me in what seemed like a great idea!    Hopefully they won't need them regularly.  We're pretty fortunate in NZ, but a second wave of Covid gave us another look into what the rest of the world is facing and we're so grateful to still be able to teach and continue missionary work.

We've had more doctor appointments and medical calls again.   I recognize that english is a second language for many of our missionaries and when they describe a problem that sounds simple, and then I ask for a picture, or insist on looking, it's not a simple as it sounded!   Inspiration comes in many ways, and we can see the hand of the Lord working in technology, in health, and in becoming Master Teachers.   They are an inspiration to us and we're grateful to be among them!   We're working on the next transfers this upcoming week --- Change is part of the ongoing routine that keeps us always thinking ahead.   

Each day we begin with a focus and prayer of gratitude... The time lapse photography and 10 min thought here is stunning:

He has a vision and purpose.  Each of us does too. Open your eyes, and it will be a good day!

 If you were to ask today What did I learn on my mission?   

1.  I learned that you aren’t really that interested in what I have to say, but in how well I hear and listen to you.

2.  We all have different things to learn.   Why are some people so naturally blessed with a joyful outlook, and others have to work at it? 

3.  Our struggles are unique to our individual path.  The Lord knows my needs.  He knows your needs.  We are all headed in the same direction, we just get there by a different path.  Really we’ll meet at the end and instead of forcing people onto our path, lets dance through our winding road full of potholes and know we’ll be together at the end of our path.   I finally see how different trails can lead the same endpoint.  And more important, why those trails are necessary to be different for each of us.   

So use your time wisely.  These thoughts on time may interest you as they did me:

We love you, and more importantly, God loves you!   May you feel his peace.

❤❤The Despains

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Aug 5, 2020 Called to Serve!

Called to Serve!   

What beauty there is in that statement!   We love serving the Lord.   We love to see valiant missionaries striving to serve.  Our NZ missionaries come from the Tip of Northland New Zealand to the Furthest Southern point living with Penguins. And we still have islanders unable to return home, and we get to benefit from their bonus service time.  They are a JOY to be around and learn from.   We see so many of them in Medical settings that I prodded this sister to pose with her new companion ....

Our hearts are full of so many unlinked thoughts.
We ache for those who have lost loved ones over the last few weeks and mourn with them!  We pray our tears will help reduce and minimize some of their intense pain.  💛💚💙

We are enjoying watching our children and grandchildren in online gatherings.   The miracle of online video and exchange is ALMOST real.   But, we're still anxious to be more than observers with solely verbal exchanges in their lives.

We spent another fabulous day in Tauranga, where a walk around Mount Maunganui has become a bi-weekly solace to our souls as we watch waves crash against rock taking one more beating and slowly being diminshed.  We see seals turning endlessly in the waves and barely cresting to let us enjoy their reality and peaceful oblivion to our presence.  We watch birds dive and then fly again to locate the perfect catch.  We gather shells, and seek out yet one more new, colorful newly discovered treasure from the sea.  We watch rainbows, seemingly painted across the sky above the mist of the showers that freely flow during this winter season.  We return to our car, winded, but refreshed and grateful, so grateful for Gods creations and the beauty here that we get to share.

Then we return to interviews and answer endless questions.   Linda shared needed thoughts and teachings about washing hands, brushing teeth, ingrown toenails and treating and preventing knee and ankle injuries, getting to doctor and dental appointments on time, and expressing gratitude and thanks for doctors' service.   Nothing magically stopped the injuries or need for treatment.   The phone calls continued and our response is, "Didn't we just talk about this?"   But of course.... they all fully understand the RICE treatment and protocol for sprains and injuries.   They may not have ice on hand as suggested, but most of them have frozen sausages or frozen veggies they resort to using.

Did you know the Ozone layer is thinner in NZ?   Really thin.   I constantly remind missionaries to use extra sunscreen and wear sunglasses.   But maybe the air being thinner means our prayers ascend milliseconds faster to Heaven?  It's a beautiful place and prayers are rendered by people of faith with stories of ancestors and traditions that are inspiring.  We respect the little family Marae and the large community ones that are still in use and sacred to so many Maori families.  

We had fish n chips again!   New Zealand does some things really well that we will miss.  Tip Top Ice cream, REAL fruit ice cream, fish n chips and fresh cream.    

NZ is a beautiful adventure, but also for us is service and pure devotion to our Savior whom we worship.   We've loved reading and studying and learning of him more fully.  There are so many sources that we use for study.   The church keeps adding to their vast library of videos, teachings, talks and speeches.   Even the missionary library is increasing in resources.  We can't keep up with the ongoing added items in the video library.

I'm still listening to the collected talks of Neal A. Maxwell that cause reflection and awe at what was clearly and succinctly stated, warned and prophesied of our day 20 years ago.   

One of the wards we attend has had a month of speakers who took the self reliance courses.   How inspirational for even people who didn't think they needed direction and help. 

Another woman has created links to current Come Follow me Study .... I wish I could read and watch EVERYthing on her list.

Meanwhile, we keep up with weekly missionary devotionals now online since the MTC is online training, and we listen to past inspirational talks. books and firesides.   We listen to books and scriptures while driving at fast speed to get through more information and still have so much more to learn.
We're blessed to be surrounded by talented and knowledgeable individuals.  

We share a monthly fireside and meal with some other senior missionaries where someone shares thoughts and teachings.   Sweet Sister Rangi Parker was a NZ performer who at 85 years old,  now works full time in the Church History Museum with her husband where they worked diligently to collect stories, videos, artifacts and collections from early Church labor missionaries and families.... This is a building where we spend a lot of our time....

Last week we were inspired by the story of the Contractor who is doing the renovation for the Hamilton NZ temple and who built the temple in Congo.  That is a miracle temple!

So we continue our service through the end of this year with humble and thankful hearts that we were Called to Serve!

Elder and Sister Despain

Sunday, July 19, 2020

July 19 2020 Homanga Bay and Whangamata

It's July 2020!  

We have been here a year!

New Zealand is an amazing country! We continue to find new an different places to go and see!

Over the last few weeks we have explored more of the East coast north of Tauranga...

This was a longer hike, but the end was fantastic!

Homanga Bay Walk...
Notice the WARNING?! "Suitable for Fit and Experienced Trampers"
We were unsure where to start and it was windier than Laramie Wyoming!
We decided to start on a gravel road...

We wandered through trees...

Up a hill...

Then we saw the ocean!!!

The next steps were quite revealing!!!

We found the right track!

But it went on and on...

And on and on...

Then rounding a corner...

WOW - That is a view of Tauranga and Mount Maunganui!
Then the trail changed...
Typical NZ Trails...

Well tramped!

Orange markers as our guide...

Still between farm fields...

More forest...

The orange markers...

And of course, what NZ trail without Stairs!
But Finally we made it!
Option to Hike a lot more!!!
Look, they even provide swim towels!
Homunga Bay!

The Beach...

The Waterfall...

More of the Beach...

The Beach the other way...

Notice the Privacy!
We took a short break here to enjoy the beach...
On our way out...

Back on Top of the Mountain...
That was a long hike with great views! Lots of vertical (but fewer stairs than others!).

After that a calm Beach tramp was needed... 

Whangamata (For those who are curious wh in Maori is pronounce "F" - So if you said "wahn-ga-mata" you would get raised eyebrows - it's "Fangamata")...

Some shells are still alive!

Low Tide...

Linda on the phone helping missionaries...

They say you can actually walk to these at low tide!

Local Art...

So after that Calm Walk, Linda wanted a Challenge!

Down was easy...
Spining while traversing?

Up and down...

Lots of Arm muscle

Need momentum

Can get dizzy!

The full Course

With a Climbing Wall!
 So then what?

A Zip Line...

Can you believe it? A free Ninja course right on the beach!

It's really fun seeing these places!

We do get to do some missionary work too... Last Saturday we went to a Baptism in Tongan! Here are the Missionaries...

We are Thankful for this opportunity and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Elder & Sister Despain