You Can Believe in Christ song by Jeff Goodrich
Searching through the shadows of your mind
As you struggle to retain whats left behind
Of the smiles and the laughter
Though the miles and years after all are gone.
Still you'd like to have them back again
For a chance to be with family and friends
And you wish your dear ones could be near ones
Without fear forever on and on.You can believe in Christ
You can receive the Christ.
Walk in the joy of Christ and glory in his light.
You can embrace his word;
Until you face The Word.
Come and believe, come and receive Jesus Christ.
Striving just to glimpse eternity;
You wonder where tomorrow you will be
Who will have the power, in that hour
Will you now or never understand.
You can find the answer deep within yourself
Leave man's philosophy upon the shelf.
And the light within you will continue
Leading you to know the Master's hand.
The Island people have a natural gift of song and movement. It flows from them naturally. This song touched me as the vocalist strummed his guitar and sang with heartfelt words that pierced my soul.
We have one month left on our mission, and while we are so anxious to be with those we love again, we'll leave a small piece of our heart in New Zealand.
The beauty, love, grace and peace of
Aotearoa abound in the mountains, on the rolling green hills and on the beaches and oceans. 
New Zealand
Kiwis, Tuis, Kingfisher, Pukeko,
Glow worms, Abandoned mining tunnels,
Volcanic steam vents, Sheep grazing the hills,
Hobbiton, Lord of the Rings, Rugby, All Blacks,
Fish n chips, Seafood chowder, Real fruit ice cream, Fruit trees
Cherry blossoms, Magnolias, Christmas Tree, Kowhai, Hydrangea,
Flora, Flowers, Silver Fern, Bird of Paradise, Rhododendrons as tall as a house,
Thunderstorms, Umbrellas and Gumboots, Sunshine and Rainbows,
Surfing, Hot water beaches, Seashells, Cathedral Cove,
Waterfalls and Rivers, Stairs, Summits and Lookouts,
Sculptures, Marae, Flax weaving, Greenstone
Singing, Dancing, Sandals and Bare feet,
Feeds, Mates, Heaps of Love,
Ofa Atu
This past week our grandson had metopic craniosynostosis surgery. Friends and family joined us in prayer during a surgery that is hard to watch a 10 month old heal from. We know the miracle of medicine, yet needed our faith strengthened and knowing the power of prayer in numbers was sustaining. Having prayer circles, and prayer warriors, and private fasting and prayer was meaningful and humbling.
These three women are women of amazing strength and virtue. They have shown me the resilience and honor of living a life of purity with intensity while gaining added knowledge and wisdom during our absence. They are teachers and nurturers and demonstrate all that is good and beautiful in life. I'm so grateful for the things they are teaching my grandchildren and the love and support they show each other.
Elder Despain has worked tediously to keep the mission organized and divert surprises. Sister Despain has treated ingrown toenails, sprained ankles, Infected teeth, upset stomachs, headaches, weight gain and sleep deprived young adults. Yet, we have have also witnessed the love of a Heavenly Father who gives us the opportunity to be an instrument in his hands as he literally restores sight to the blind and lifts the heavy burdens of these young people seeking those who will open their hearts and minds to truth.
Some of these missionaries shared their talents at a "Culture Night" where many island dances were performed. We were made aware of the closeness in island languages in a simple hello:
Aloha, Aroha, Talofa, 'Ia Orana, Kia Ora, La ola, Aro'a
Watch some of culture night here:
We too have worked over the last month to Let God Prevail and see his hand in our lives. We have sought to better understand what it means to be of the House of Israel and be counted as Gods people. Missionaries invite others to join them in their love of God.
Great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the isles of the sea; wherefore as it says isles, there must needs be more
than this.
💜💕💖With love,
The Despains