Monday, January 13, 2020

Jan 13 .... Recovery Ahead

Karangahake Gorge Windows Walk Old Mining Track

Karangahake Gorge Windows Walk

                                             For 10 glorious days Kayla was here.   And we crisscrossed this island in  awe of the beauty everywhere.   She entertained bystanders with her photoshoots and we delighted in her audience.

Waiau Kauri Grove and Waterfall

Dawson Falls Bridge Missionaries (Base of Mount Taranaki)
New Plymouth Paritutu Rock

Three sisters Beach

Three sisters Beach

Hot Springs Steam Facial

Rotorua Thermal Hot Springs

Rotorua Redwood Forrest .... "Do I look like a tree?"

Mt. Maunganui

Aratia Rapids after the dam released water

2 bike rides ..... One along Waikato River and one from Huka Falls to Aratiatia Dam

Hamilton Garden

Kayla and Nikolaus bounced around inside the ZORB balls down this mountain

We did still manage to make it to a few doctor appointments and answer phone calls.  We're so grateful to be with people who want to pick up and help and make sure we can spend important time with family whom we love.   We physically had a lot more exercise this week than normal, but loved having someone to play with. 

We're grateful for friends and family and those we love who support us and teach us.
And we feel the influence of family beyond the veil.  We learn more each day how much God loves ALL of his children.  We invite all to come unto Christ and feel his peace.

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