"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalm 23) I love this scripture that is also set to music. It reminds me to have less wants and less worries, that I still express periodically.
Our house closed! We are officially homeless. It's such a relief that our full focus can be on our mission service and the missionaries serving in NZ. I'm grateful that we safely transferred our belongings to our daughters basement. Oh that we could have used a smaller moving van! However, a 20' van is a vast improvement from the full semi load that we arrived with in Colorado! BIG thanks and blessings to the people who jumped in at the end to assist!
This week was full of medical training. MANY talented and professional doctors shared their area of expertise and helped us understand what can and can't be dealt with in the mission field. These individuals shared and led us through the struggle of adjusting, adapting, homesick, perfection driven, companion laden, schedule adapting, skill acquiring challenges of 18 year olds' whom they lovingly refer to as "6 years out of primary"!
My appreciation for the staffing and availability of support and professionals increased. There are so many people supporting, loving, encouraging and cheering on this army. I on the sideline am repeating endlessly, "Wash your hands, drink more water, eat some fiber" AND "breathe, relax, stay calm, we love you", while additionally handing out bandaids, evaluations and necessary referrals.
TEMPLES: We attended the Payson temple and the Provo City Center Temple. Both beautiful edifices, but filled with the same beautiful spirit in any temple. Both also bursting at the seams with people. Full parking garage, waiting in the overflow area and a busy, happy environment.
Daily Miracles! After mailing a key through USPS in a plain envelope, only the envelope arrived at the destination. My plea at the Postal processing center was met with a blank look and expression of the amount of keys they had pop out of envelopes as they were scanned through a slot too small for the contents. I had someone text me a picture of a duplicate key with the # inscription on the key and I invited the worker to look in the cage of lost items for the missing key. In less than 5 minutes it was retrieved and I was able to resend it in a more secure and postal friendly package.
We chose to drive to Los Angeles and spend a couple days with a daughter who will babysit our one remaining vehicle. We fly to New Zealand on Monday night. We made some unexpected adjustments to our suitcase weight limit and are prepping for the temperature extreme adjustment from 95 degrees to 45, as it is Winter in NZ.
We're so grateful for the sweet family pictures we had taken before we left. Lia Flynn did an amazing job in a short amount of time and took them at the Arvada Skate Park as our memorial to Nate who spent so much time there flipping his scooter. We highly recommend her: http://stillmemories.photography/?fbclid=IwAR3tNBvQHIqTCR9njLEIHgaEBTJ_okKZwWEK5Ka52rZjXIN4GhcTeksG4NA#/
We're going to miss these humans who are so integrated into our lives. We love them! Thanks for supporting us.
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