Friday, March 20, 2020

March 21 Kia Kaha
This picture is in the Matthew Cowley Church History Museum which is in the same Building as our Mission Office.   It depicts children from all the islands around NZ Running to greet the Savior.  It brings me joy to see the cultures merge and meet together to worship One Lord, One God. Especially at this time when the world is unsettled.
New Zealand closed it's borders at midnight last night.   Not even connecting flights are allowed if you're not a resident of NZ.   Island missionaries have to fly through NZ to get home, so they are now stuck on their islands. 
All of NZ covid-19 cases have come from out of the country.   Current details today show 53 cases:
We are in preparation mode still.   We anticipate eventual isolation, but are still preaching and teaching and baptizing.   Baptisms are the only meeting still allowed in the churches.   We feel peace.  Senior missionaries are told they can return home if wanted, but they are likely safer here in isolation if they choose that.   We have helped missionaries prepare and have food and necessities available when needed.
I accompanied a missionary in the middle of the night to urgent care this week, where we saw many workers dress in PPE and go out to different vehicles to do a swab and test a patient.   We then spent 2 days in the hospital and felt they were prepared and handling any requests well.  The stage of covid19 in New Zealand is behind the states, but still optimistic.

We still have other health issues to battle.  Some are more serious than others.  We have a deep love of the Lord and his wisdom in sending missionaries where they can have medical care that they didn't have before.  We're grateful for the added strength and peace we receive in situations for which we're unprepared.  We acknowledge the many resources that are available and skilled doctors whom we've come to not only admire, but love.

Elder Despain still has a "heap" of pictures to upload.   A week ago we were blessed to spend time with another senior couple who showed us the beautiful area where they live at the Southern tip of  Lake Taupo.  We came back to extra meetings and preparation and planning.  Every day has new directives and guidelines.  We are safe.  We are following the prophet and following the government guidelines. 

We're grateful for friends and family.  We pray for you.  We thank you for supporting us in this journey, and when the borders re-open, consider coming to paradise for a visit.  We'd love to show you the beauty and peace we're surrounded by.  Until then .... seek that peace through another medium.   The word of God.  We happen to know a few missionaries who would love to correspond, call or drop by in your confinement and say hello!          We love you!   The Despains

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 12, 2020 I will go before your Face

What inspires you?  What motivates you?   How often do you think about how blessed we are to live in a society that can solve problems and take action quickly.
The COVID-19 Cornavirus is a great example of jumping into action.   We are embracing recommendations worldwide and encouraging all our missionaries to have a 3 week supply of food, medication, personal hygiene items and water.   We are asking them to have soap and use it often!
How simple is that?  Wash your hands.  Still the #1 way to prevent the spread of infection.

And this week, I made my first loaf of Maori bread.   It's just a little sweeter than our bread.  Some people use a starter, but the Bishop I learned from likes this recipe, and I endorse it!    If you want to salivate .... try it.

Maori Bread   From the kitchen of Bishop Quintin Hapuku, Pukete Ward

3C All purpose Flour (+1c for kneading) 
1ts salt
3TS sugar
2ts Yeast (Instant yeast) The instant yeast is smaller than active yeast and doesn't need to add to water to activate it
2C Warm water

1  Turn oven on and heat to 173C
2  Put all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix for a couple of minutes (everything except water)
3  Add 2c of warm water to dry mix and mix until all combined.  A bit sticky but not runny
4  Roll out onto floured surface and knead for 10 mins
5  When you knead the dough enough it will feel a bit airy and when poked with a finger it will bounce back.
6  Knead until you form a rectangle (about the size of your loaf tin)
7  Either spray your loaf tin with cooking spray or a bit of butter  
8  Place dough into tin.  Press down on dough so all sides are covered with the dough.  If you are using scales to measure the dough  in a normal loaf tin its about 700gm per tin.  
9  Allow to rise for about 30-45 mins until dough is about an inch over the top of your loaf tin.  You can cover the dough with a damp cloth or not, i'm not fussy.
10  It doesn't matter if you forget to turn the oven on before putting it into the oven.  As long as it has risen you will be fine.  Practice practice practice.  
11  Bake in oven for 30 mins at 173C.  You are looking for a med brown crust.  If the crust is dark, it means the oven is either too hot or you have left in for more than 30 mins.  It all depends what texture you want in the end result.  Longer means a deeper taste and a more dense loaf.  If the crust is light, then either the oven temp is too low or it's been removed before time.  You can remove it anytime from 25 mins to 55 mins   
12  Take out of oven and wrap with plastic wrap.  It will be hot but that's ok.  By wrapping straight away, the Maori bread remain softer longer. (up to a week.)
13  You can cut into it straight away(make sure you have heaps of butter and jam) but it will be a bit gluggy (as it needs to rest a bit)  

I'm inspired by missionaries.   It's a struggle.  Here we are away from home and family.   Away from comforts and leisure life.   The young missionaries are asked to work and study hard 12-15 hours EVERY day.  Many of them walk and bike.  Islanders come here not knowing how to ride a bike and they learn, and sometimes fall and get right back on!   That inspires me.  I'm grateful that even when they sometimes question why they're doing this .... they keep doing it!

Some days are nice and steady for us.  Somedays are calm and allow for fishing and hiking.   Then there are the days like yesterday that start early and don't stop ALL day with phone calls and doctor visits and urgent situations.   Some TIRED, weary, frustrated begging for help.  How do we lift and inspire and minister?   How do we say something that calms a troubled spirit?  We're often immersed in situations we would love to abandon, but feel the presence of someone stronger than us, leading and guiding and supporting.   I saw this picture again this week entitled “I will go before your face,” by Kenneth Turner and love the reality of angels supporting missionaries.

We're getting close to transfers again next week.   We are in a constant state of rotation and it's hard to see missionaries leave and go home!   We do love the energy of new ones joining us.   Here is a picture of our current district.  Great missionaries!   And although they look so proper .... they really prefer the 2nd picture pose EVERYTIME!

We love these missionaries.   We're sad when they're sad, We feel joy when they experience joy, We laugh when they laugh, and we're grateful for their testimonies and devotion to the Lord.

The story of the restoration of the gospel is worth studying.  Worth praying about.  Worth finding joy that God testifies of his only begotten son in "Whom he is well pleased."  He introduces him and says, "Hear him" just as he pleads with us to hear him, hear his voice, hear his words and invite others to Hear him.

Invite everyone to church on Easter this year.   We invite them with open doors and open arms.   Find a congregation in your area for them to feel the power and love of the restored Gospel.

We love you.
Elder and Sister Despain

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 3 2020 Mackies visit

Hope, Spark, Lacey & Court Visit to New Zealand!

We had more visitors the last week of February… Lacey & Court brought Spark & Hope to see us and we visited a lost more of New Zealand…

Flying in
We visited the Otorohanga Kiwi House and Native Bird Park…
Hope was chased...

Feeding the Birds...

Not a Bird! A Living Dinosaur!
And the Waitomo Caves (Glowworms)… (No pictures allowed inside...)
Yes, we were on a boat in a cave.


The caves...

No pictures inside, but we made it!
Yes - That's an eel...

Hamilton Gardens…
Cute Statues!

Being a scarecrow is fun!

Sometimes we feel BIG...
And Sometimes Small... (That's Spark...)

Imagine the Garden you can have with these tools!
Cathedral Cove (Long Hike down to the beach!)
Goats along the route...
Cathedral Cove

Dancing on the Beach

Dreaming about...

A sailboat?
Should we cliff jump?

(there is music with the video if it works...)

Hiking back up...
Raglan (Bridal Veil Falls and the Black Sand Beach)
The Falls

The Black sand...
Lunch on the Wharf...

And Slides at Parks…

And Pizza Night!


Little Artist!

Anyone home?

Party Field...

Drinks at the Inn...

A wizard in the making?
What a day!

Mount Maunganui
water is so fun!

Rocks are too!

Lacey and Court snorkeling with the Big Ships...

Plenty of Parks and new Friends from Sri Lanka…
Hope's favorite activity

Look - no hands - like a roller coaster

New Friends...

And Duck Island Ice Cream...
Yes, I do like it!

So do I!

A Fun Day

The Last Day...
Marine Discovery Center...
Clear Bottom Boats...

Sand Castles

A Break

Frisbee on the Beach..

And more Swings!
What a Week!

We are very grateful for our children and grandchildren – That makes life great!

Elder Tune from Kiribati (pronounced Kit-ti-bus) came to a Stake Conference and shared about going often to a hotel but never getting breakfast – they asked him why – he said it was too expensive! But it was free to all!

Do we know the privileges and blessings we deserve? Maybe we could all study more and make sure we are taking part of those privileges and blessing in store for us!

We Love you all!

Elder & Sister Despain